Customer stories

Hear from some of our early adopters how CoverMe is bringing privacy and compassion to intimate care.

Frequently asked questions.

How long will my CoverMe Last?

CoverMe has been tested within a facilities washing and drying linen process 100 times.  The product has kept its shape and texture – so with an expected weekly wash CoverMe is anticipated to provide privacy in care for 2 years.

What is CoverMe made from?

The CoverMe is made from cotton sourced from Australian grown cotton farms and manufactured in Melbourne Victoria

How does this related to the Australian Aged Care Standards?

Standard 1 is Consumer dignity and choice,  CoverMe enables people to be treated with dignity and respect.

The Aged Care Quality Standards govern Consumer dignity and choice and Human resources. Standard 7 of the Aged Care Quality Standards expects; 7(3) (b) Workforce interactions with consumers are kind, caring and respectful of each consumers identity, culture and diversity and Standard 1 (3)(f) expects consumers to state they are satisfied care and services, including personal care, are undertaken in a way that respects their privacy.  CoverMe is a means and a tool to demonstrate such.  

Anecdotal evidence and research identify that while staff have kind, caring and respectful attitudes, there is a disjuncture between staff and consumers expectations as to what constitutes dignified care.  Studies have shown that staff and policies conceptualise privacy and dignity as an approach to the caring role - their attitude in how care is delivered. Where as residents consider the direct hands on aspects of care, such as, showering, sponging and toileting to be essential; no one wants to be left naked and exposed.

CoverMe validates staff not only have an attitude of being kind, caring and respectful – they are able to demonstrate such during direct “hands on” care

CoverMe will change clinical practice; raising awareness with staff to ensure consumers dignity is maintained

CoverMe will literally enable a person receiving personal cares to be covered during the routine

CoverMe will enable consumers to receive safe and effective personal care that it tailored to their needs and optimises their health and well-being – their privacy and dignity will be maintained.